Process engineering of two-liquid phase biocatalysis

John Woodley, M.D. Lilly

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


In the last decade there has been much interest in two-liquid phase biocatalysis. Advances in the biochemical engineering of two-liquid phase biocatalytic processes have included the development of a body of knowledge including established principles and rules, as well as experimental tools to collect the necessary data. Each of these advances is discussed and illustrated with experimental results from the hydroxylation of toluene by Pseudomonas putida to its corresponding dihydrodiol, δ1-dehydrogenation of hydrocortisone by Arthrobacter simplex and hydrolysis of benzyl acetate by pig liver esterase. Future research directions are addressed.
Original languageEnglish
Book seriesProgress in Biotechnology
Issue numberC
Pages (from-to)147-154
Publication statusPublished - 1992
Externally publishedYes


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