Probing metastable Sm2+ and optically stimulated tunnelling emission in YPO4: Ce, Sm

Amit Kumar Prasad, Myung Ho Kook, Mayank Jain

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    When the model dosimetry system YPO4: Ce3+, Sm3+ is exposed to X-rays, the charge state of the dopants changes, becoming Ce4+ and Sm2+ via hole and electron trapping, respectively which are metastable; the original charge states can be achieved through electron transfer back from Sm2+ to Ce4+ via optical stimulation. The work presented here adds further details to the energy levels of the metastable Sm2+ defect and the electron transfer processes by undertaking measurements of a) Sm2+ excitation spectrum through the internal 5D07F2 emission at 7 K, b) relaxation lifetime of Sm2+ (5D0 state) and its temperature dependence to provide insights into thermal quenching, and c) the kinetics of localised recombination from Sm2+ to Ce4+ on nanoseconds to seconds time scales using sub-band-edge excitation.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalRadiation Measurements
    Pages (from-to)61-66
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Excited-state tunnelling
    • Localised recombination
    • Low temperature spectroscopy
    • Radio-photoluminescence
    • Sm2+ and Ce3+ relaxation lifetime
    • Thermal quenching


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