Probing interactions between B-glucan and bile salts at atomic detail by 1H-13C NMR assays

Mette Skau Mikkelsen, Sofia Bolvig Cornali, Morten G Jensen, Lars Mathias Nilsson, Sophie Beeren, Sebastian Meier

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Polysaccharides are prospective hosts for the delivery and sequestration of bioactive guest molecules. Polysaccharides of dietary fiber, specifically cereal (1 → 3)(1 → 4)-β-glucans, play a role in lowering the blood plasma cholesterol level in humans. Direct host-guest interactions between β-glucans and conjugated bile salts are among the possible molecular mechanisms explaining the hypocholesterolemic effects of β-glucans. The present study shows that 1H-13C NMR assays on a time scale of minutes detect minute signal changes in both bile salts and β-glucans, thus indicating dynamic interactions between bile salts and β-glucans. Experiments are consistent with stronger interactions at pH 5.3 than at pH 6.5 in this in vitro assay. The changes in bile salt and β-glucan signals suggest a stabilization of bile salt micelles and concomitant conformational changes in β-glucans.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Issue number47
Pages (from-to)11472-11478
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • HSQC
  • Bile salt
  • Glucan
  • Heteronuclear NMR


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