Preparatory study for an evaluation of climate change mitigation funding

Merete Villum Pedersen, Ana Cardoso, Federico Antonio Canu, Mikkel Funder

Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paperResearchpeer-review

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The study commences with an overview of the climate mitigation support provided in chapter 1. The overview is visualised in a figure showing country targeting, sector focus etc. The study continues in chapter 2, which covers three elements
listed. The first element is the 2015 evaluation of the climate envelope and the follow up. It also relates to the overall strategic frame for the Danish climate mitigation funding, against which the support can be measured. The second element covers the priorities expressed in Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs, the countries’ climate ambitions, which are part of the Paris Climate Agreement. This includes a zoom-in on six countries as possible case study countries of the upcoming evaluation, and as such also relate to the bilateral climate mitigation support. The third and final element is climate finance including the finance flows and the climate funds, and as such relate to the multilateral climate mitigation funding. All of the elements are concluded with a set of questions to consider as part of the evaluation. The study ends in chapter 3 with considerations of design features for the upcoming evaluation. The study builds upon a similar preparatory study of an evaluation of climate adaptation support, and specifically the data sets developed in relation to that study (DIIS, 2019). In general, establishing a reliable data set that describes the mitigation support in terms of volumes, countries and sectors covered, channels used etc. presents a challenge, and the overview of mitigation support provided in this study needs further work, e.g. verification of all entries in the data set and that nothing has been left out, possibly by the independent evaluation team.All reservations and caveats regarding the data presented in this study are outlined in chapter 1.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 2021
SeriesUNEP DTU Working Paper Series 2021


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