Preparation, Study and Modification of Nanometer-Scale Flat TiO2 Surfaces by Electrochemistry and AFM Techniques

M. T. Dihn Thi, Lars Nilausen Cleemann, Anne Christina Welinder, Didier Devilliers, Eric Mahé, Eric Balnois

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch


In order to study local properties of surfaces, it is necessary to control their preparation mode to get reproducible and well characterized samples. The first part of this work concerns the preparation of TiO2 films on Ti substrates that fulfil these criteria. The TiO2 formed by anodisation of titanium is a n-type semiconductor, i.e. anodic reactions are blocked. However, the reactivity of the electrodes towards redox species in solution can be enhanced considerably by electrochemical deposition of a second metal with catalytic properties such as platinum. The second part of this work is devoted to the preparation and the study of TiO2/Ti electrodes “modified” by a Pt-deposit.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2003
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Event203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society - Paris, France
Duration: 27 Apr 20032 May 2003
Conference number: 203


Conference203rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society


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