Preparation of La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.97V0.03O3-delta films for solid oxide fuel cell application

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review


    La0.8Sr0.2Cr0.97V0.03O3-delta (LSC) is commonly studied as a ceramic interconnect material as well as a coating material for metallic interconnects for solid oxide fuel cell applications. However, it is difficult to sinter this type of material to high density. In order to overcome this problem and to study the material in form of a thin film we have used Pulsed Laser Deposition to obtain a dense, uniform film with the right stochiometry. Investigation of preparation-parameter dependence of the LSC films deposited on a stainless steel substrate during pulsed-laser deposition was carried out. The LSC films were deposited with KrF excimer laser (248 nm) on a stainless steel substrate at different oxygen pressure and substrate temperatures. The substrate temperature (873-1073 K) and the oxygen background pressure (5-20 Pa) were varied in order to obtain optimal growth conditions. The surface morphology and structural information of the films were obtained using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction, respectively. Under the optimal preparation-parameter conditions: substrate temperature of 1023 K and an oxygen pressure of 10 Pa the structure of the film agreed with the target structure and the SEM micrographs show that the surfaces are homogeneous, smooth, crack-free and dense. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalThin Solid Films
    Issue number16
    Pages (from-to)6537-6540
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventEuropean Materials Research Society 2006 - Acropolis Congress Centre, Nice, France
    Duration: 29 May 20062 Jun 2006


    ConferenceEuropean Materials Research Society 2006
    LocationAcropolis Congress Centre


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