Prediction of the prognosis of breast cancer in routine histologic specimens using a simplified, low-cost gene expression signature

S.A. Marcell, A. Balazs, A. Emese, S. Zsofia, T. Anna-Maria, S. Liliana, S. Borbala, S. Miklos, Qiyuan Li, H. Laszlo

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Prediction of the prognosis of breast cancer in routine histologic specimens using a simplified, low-cost gene expression signature Background: Grade 2 breast carcinomas do not form a uniform prognostic group. Aim: To extend the number of patients and the investigated genes of a previously identified prognostic signature described by the authors that reflect chromosomal instability in order to refine characterization of grade 2 breast cancers and identify driver genes. Methods: Using publicly available databases, the authors selected 9 target and 3 housekeeping genes that are capable to divide grade 2 breast carcinomas into prognostic groups. Gene expression was investigated by polymerase chain reaction in 249 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded breast tumors. The results were correlated with relapse-free survival. Results: Histologically grade 2 carcinomas were split into good and a poor prognosis groups. Centroid-based ranking showed that 3 genes, FOXM1, TOP2A and CLDN4 were able to separate the good and poor prognostic groups of grade 2 breast carcinomas. Conclusion: Using appropriately selected control genes, a limited set of genes is able to split prognostic groups of breast carcinomas independently from their grade.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalOrvosi Hetilap
    Issue number16
    Pages (from-to)627-632
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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