Practical layouts of hydraulic systems to reduce spill from fish cages

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


The objective of this document is to review the literature on realistic solution for collection of waste and unused feed. It is deliverable to “D3.2.1 Notat om reelt mulige, praktisk anvendelige løsninger til danske havbrug”, as part of the HAV-TEK project: ”GUDP projektet Hav-Tek journal nr. 34009-19-152”.

Figure 1 illustrates different challenges to open water fish farming. In Denmark, one of the major concerns relates to release of surplus nutrients to the open water through fish waste and feed. In other countries, the challenges are different. In Norway, the concern is more directed towards the risk of sea lice, spread of deceases and reducing the risk of escapees. However, in Denmark the risk of sea lice is smaller due to brackish water, while the inner Danish waters are more sensitive to excessive nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) due to smaller water masses, relatively low depth, and not to forget, the role of other sources, industry, agriculture, and contributions from the Baltic sea.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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