Power ramp and fission gas performance of fuel pins M20-1B, M2-2B and T9-3B

P. Knudsen, Carsten Bagger

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    Three UO2-Zr test fuel pins were irradiated together to 2330 GJ/kg U (23,800 MWD/te UO2) at heat loads decreasin-j from 50 to 24 kW/m (500 to 240 W/cw) (test average levels), the latest being 31 kW/m (310 W/cra). One pin was then power ramped to 45 kW/m (450 W/cm) at 35 W/m.s (21 W/cm.min.) and kept there for 2 Ms (550 hrs.) without failure indication. The other two pins were further irradiated to 2450 GJ/kg U (25,000 MWD/te UO2) at approximately 23 kW/m (230 W/cm). Ramp testing to 43 kw/m (430 W/cm) did not produce failure during 2.4 Ms (670 hrs.). The fission gas release in the three pins was 30-40%. A limited metallographic examination revealed extensive fuel-clad reaction. Design and irradiation details are included for use as input in the validation of fuel performance codes.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationRoskilde, Denmark
    PublisherRisø National Laboratory
    Number of pages31
    ISBN (Print)87-550-0571-3
    Publication statusPublished - 1978


    • Risø-M-2151


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