Power applications for superconducting cables

Ole Tønnesen, Steen Hansen, Preben Jørgensen, Karin Lomholt, Søren D. Mikkelsen, Jan Okholm, Sven Salvin, Jacob Østergaard

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    High temperature superconducting (HTS) cables for use in electric ac power systems are under development around the world today. There are two main constructions under development: the room temperature dielectric design and the cryogenic dielectric design. However, theoretical studies have shown that the insertion of these cables in the network is not without problems. The network stability requirements may impose severe constraints on the actual obtainable length of superconducting cables. Load flow considerations show that it may be difficult to use these high current cables to their full extent. Short circuits in the network may require a special protection system.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSuperconductors Science and Technology
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)506-509
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


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