Positron Spur Reactions with Excess Electrons and Anions in Liquid Organic Mixtures of Electron Acceptors

B. Lévay, O. E. Mogensen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    By means of the positron lifetime technique we have measured positronium (Ps) yields in mixtures of nonpolar liquids with various electron scavengers which bind the electron fairly weakly (1–2 eV) in stable anions. The results are discussed with reference to recent excess electron works, and new experiments on anions and excess electrons are proposed. The minimum of the Ps yield versus CS2 concentration curves caused by partly delocalization of electrons on several scavenger molecules, which was observed previously in saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons occurred also in the saturated cyclic hydrocarbon cyclohexane, but did not appear in the aromatic benzene. This might be explained by the weak electron acceptor property of aromatics. In the Ps yield versus SF6 concentration curve in hexane a similar minimum appeared as in the CS2 case, probably by the same reason. By adding 0.8 M CS2 to the system the minimum was shifted towards the lower concentrations, which might be explained by some overlap of the energy levels on CS2 and SF6. Antiinhibition effect of C6F6 and CS2 was studied in 0.05 M CCl4/hexane solutions. In the CS2 case first a small minimum appeared in the Ps yield versus CS2 concentration curve. Alcohol clusters did not show antiinhibition in 0.05 M CCl4/neopentane system. Weak electron scavengers (C6F6, naphthalene, biphenyl, benzene) which generally act as antiinhibitors were added to pure non-polar solvents (hexane, isooctane, cyclohexane) and caused Ps enhancement. This can be attributed to “antirecombination” effect with a similar mechanism as that of the antiinhibition, but some contribution from positive ion scavenging cannot be excluded either. The increase of the Ps yield in hexane as a function of C6F6 or naphthalene concentration was much steeper if 0.8 M CS2 was added to the system, indicating that antirecombination and antiinhibition took place simultaneously. On addition of hexane, isooctane, CS2 or 0.8 M CS2/hexane to pure C6F6 the Ps yield drastically decreased. This correlates well with the drastic decrease of the electron mobility by adding similar additives to C6F6 observed recently.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalChemical Physics
    Issue number1-2
    Pages (from-to)131-139
    Publication statusPublished - 1980


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