Policies for system change: the transition to the bioeconomy

Lisa Scordato, Markus M. Bugge, Teis Hansen, Anne Nygaard Tanner, Olav Wicken

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    Over the past 10-15 years the bioeconomy has increased in importance and has been promoted as a possible contribution to address important societal challenges such as climate change, food security, and global health issues. It is argued that the development towards a circular bioeconomy can be characterised as a system change as it requires fundamental changes in both production and consumption systems (Coenen, Hansen, and Rekers 2015; Bugge, Hansen, and Klitkou 2016; Scordato, Bugge, and Fevolden 2017). However, even if governments in many countries have started to introduce policies addressing grand societal challenges, it remains unclear how policies can be implemented to achieve determined goals, and also how such policies can be understood in relation to existing policies (Kuhlmann and Rip 2014; OECD 2015; Schot and Steinmueller 2016). Still, we know very little about the extent to which policies are in fact giving sufficient importance to transformative failures (vis-à-vis market and structural failures). Also, to the extent that transformative failures are given attention in bioeconomy policies, we don’t know whether this is consistent in the policy mix or only in terms of formulating visions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2017
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventEU-SPRI 2017: The 2017 Annual Conference of the EU-SPRI Forum „The Future of STI – The Future of STI Policy” - Vienna, Austria
    Duration: 7 Jun 20179 Jun 2017


    ConferenceEU-SPRI 2017
    Internet address


    • Sustainability transitions
    • Innovation system failures
    • Policy mixes
    • Bioeconomy
    • Nordic countries


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