The present invention relates to an improved method and a LIDAR system comprising an emitter for emission of a coherent electromagnetic EM signal and a transmitting optical arrangement configured to transmit the electromagnetic signal towards a measurement area. By the method and system, detection of both the polarized and depolarized backscattered EM signal is obtained, whereby an improved signal-to-noise ratio is obtained.
Original language | English |
IPC | G01S17/58, G01S17/88, G01S7/48, G01S7/491, G01S7/499 |
Patent number | WO2015044370 |
Filing date | 02/04/2015 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 26/09/2013 |
Priority number | EP20130186157 |
Publication status | Published - 2 Apr 2015 |