PMMA to SU-8 Bonding for Polymer Based Lab-on -a-chip Systems with Integrated Optics

Bjarne Clausen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    An adhesive bonding technique for wafer-level sealing of SU-8 based lab-on-a-chip microsystems with integrated optical components is presented. Microfluidic channels and optical components, e.g. waveguides, are fabricated in cross-linked SU-8 and sealed with a Pyrex glass substrate by means of an intermediate layer of 950K molecular weight poly-methylmethacrylate (PMMA). Due to a lower refractive index of PMMA (n=1.49 at l=633 nm) in combination with good sealing of the microfluidic channels. The bonding strength dependence on bonding temperature and bonding force is investigated. A maximum bonding strength of 16 MPa is achieved at bonding temperatures between 110 oC and 120oC, at a bonding force of 2000 N on a 4-inch wafer. The optical propagation loss of multi-mode 10ym (thickness)x 30ym (width)SU-8 waveguides is measured. The propagation loss in PMMA bonded waveguide struc-tures is more than 5 dB/cm lower, at wavelengths between 600nm and 900 nm, than in similar structures bonded by an intermediate layer of SU-8. Furthermore 950K PMMA shows no tendency to flow into the bonded structures during bonding because of its high viscosity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2003 Proceedings of The 17th European Conf. on Solid-State Transducers
    EditorsBrian Bilenberg Olsen, B. Clausen, Theodor Nielsen, A. Christensen
    Publication date2003
    Publication statusPublished - 2003
    Event17th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers - Guimarães, Portugal
    Duration: 21 Sept 200324 Sept 2003
    Conference number: 17


    Conference17th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers


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