There is presented a method for plating cells and for picking corresponding colonies, said method comprising for each predetermined position (xi, yi) in a plurality of spatially distributed predetermined positions (X, Y) on a surface (344) of a solid element where each predetermined position is predetermined with respect to the solid element, plating (110) one or more cells (342), growing (120) a colony (446) from the one or more cells, picking (130) the colony (446), wherein said picking is based on the predetermined spatially distributed position (xi, yi).
Original language | English |
IPC | C12Q1/24; G01N1/28; G06K9/00; G06T7/00 |
Patent number | WO2018011422 |
Filing date | 18/01/2018 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 15/07/2016 |
Priority number | EP20160179793 |
Publication status | Published - 2018 |