Plasmonic and Photonic Modes Excitation in Graphene on Silicon Photonic Crystal Membrane

Andrei Andryieuski, Tingyi Gu, Yufeng Hao, Yilei Li, James C. Hone, Chee Wei Wong, Andrei Lavrinenko, Tony Low, Tony F. Heinz

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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    Graphene is a perspective material platform for the infrared (from far-IR to near-IR) optoelectronics due to possibility of extremely confined surface plasmons polaritons excitation at long wavelengths, and large (for atomically thin layer) optical absorbance of 2.3% in the short wavelengths ranges. Being deposited on a silicon photonic crystal membrane graphene serves as a highly promising system for modern optoelectronics with rich variety of possible regimes. Depending on the relation between the photonic crystal lattice constant and wavelengths (plasmonic, photonic and free-space) we identify four different interaction schemes. We refer to them as metamaterial, plasmonic, photonic and diffraction grating regimes based on the principle character of light interactions with the graphene deposited on the Si photonic crystal membrane. The optimal configurations for resonant excitation of modes in the most important for applications plasmonic and photonic regimes are numerically investigated. We also demonstrate fabrication of photonic crystal membranes, high-quality transfer of large area chemically vapor deposited graphene on them and their comprehensive Raman, AFM and FTIR experimental characterization. Measured data are well correlated with the numerical analysis. Combined graphene – silicon photonic crystal membranes can find applications for infrared absorbers, modulators, filters, sensors and photodetectors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2015
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    Event8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies - Suntec Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
    Duration: 28 Jun 20153 Jul 2015


    Conference8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies
    LocationSuntec Singapore


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