This invention concerns a photo-cathode for a vacuum system, wherein the photo-cathode is configured for receiving electromagnetic radiation having an incoming wavelength and for emitting electrons in response thereto. The photo-cathode comprises a conducting structure having a geometry, the geometry comprising a tip section. The tip section is adapted to provide field enhancement, β, when the conducting structure is illuminated with the electromagnetic radiation, wherein β is greater than about 102. The photo-cathode further comprising a substrate, the substrate being or comprising a dielectric substrate, the substrate supporting the conducting structure.
Original language | English |
IPC | H01J 1/ 304 A N |
Patent number | WO2020262239 |
Filing date | 19/06/2020 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 26/06/2019 |
Priority number | EP20190182534 |
Publication status | Published - 30 Dec 2020 |