Phosphate sensing by fluorecent reporter proteins embedded in poly-acrylamide nanoparticles

Honghao Sun, Anne Marie Scharff-Poulsen, Hong Gu, Iver Jakobsen, Jens Matthias Kossmann, W.B. Frommer, Kristoffer Almdal

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Phosphate sensors were developed by embedding fluorescent reporter proteins (FLIPPi) in polyacrylamide nanoparticles; with diameters from 40 to 120 nm. The sensor activity and protein loading efficiency varied according to nanoparticle composition, that is, the total monomer content (% T) and the cross-linker content (% C). Nanoparticles with 28% T and 20% C were considered optimal as a result of relatively high loading efficiency (50.6%) as well as high protein activity (50%). The experimental results prove that the cross-linked polyacrylamide matrix could protect FLIPPi from degradation by soluble proteases to some extent. This nanoparticle embedding method provides a novel promising tool for in vivo metabolite studies. It also demonstrates a universal method for embedding different fragile bioactive elements, such as antibodies, genes, enzymes, and other functional proteins, in nanoparticles for, for example, sensing, biological catalysis, and gene delivery.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalACS Nano
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)19-24
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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