Phase-shifted Bragg grating inscription in PMMA microstructured POF using 248 nm UV radiation

L. Pereira, A. Pospori, Paulo Antunes, Maria Fatima Domingues, S. Marques, Ole Bang, David J. Webb, Carlos A.F. Marques

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    In this work we experimentally validate and characterize the first phase-shifted polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (PS-POFBGs) produced using a single pulse from a 248 nm krypton fluoride laser. A single-mode poly (methyl methacrylate) optical fiber with a core doped with benzyl dimethyl ketal for photosensitivity improvement was used. A uniform phase mask customized for 850 nm grating inscription was used to inscribe these Bragg structures. The phase shift defect was created directly during the grating inscription process by placing a narrow blocking aperture in the center of the UV beam. The produced high-quality Bragg grating structures, presenting a double dips, reject 16.3 dB (97.6% reflectivity) and 13.2 dB (95.2% reflectivity) of the transmitted power, being therefore appropriate for sensing or other photonic applications. Its transmission spectrum possesses two sharp transmission notches, allowing a significant increase in measurement resolution compared to direct interrogation of a single grating. The reflection and transmission spectra when multiple phase shifts are introduced in the FBG structure are also shown. The PS-POFBG's strain, temperature, pressure, and humidity characteristics have been experimentally analyzed in detail to assess their potential usage as sensors.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Lightwave Technology
    Issue number23
    Pages (from-to)5176-5184
    Number of pages9
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Fiber Bragg gratings
    • Notch filter
    • Optical filtering
    • Polymer optical fiber sensors
    • Ultrasonic detection


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