Performance Variation of Ferrite Magnet PMBLDC Motor with Temperature.

Muhammed Fasil, Nenad Mijatovic, Bogi Bech Jensen, Joachim Holbøll

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    The price fluctuations of rare earth metals and the uncertainty in their availability has generated an increased interest in ferrite magnet machines. The influence of temperature on BH characteristics of the ferrite magnet differ considerably from that of the rare earth magnet and hence, requires a different approach when deciding their operating point. In this work, laboratory measured BH curves of a ferrite magnet are used for estimating the possibility of demagnetization in a segmented axial torus (SAT) permanent magnet brushless DC (PMBLDC) motor. The BH characteristics for different temperatures have been used to study the performance variation of the ferrite magnet SAT PMBLDC motor with temperature. A detailed analysis is carried out to ensure that, the designed ferrite magnet motor is capable of delivering the specified torque throughout the operating speed, without any irreversible demagnetization of magnets. It has been shown that the ferrite magnet PMBLDC motor operation is influenced by the magnet temperature and the maximum motor speed for a given load torque decreases as the magnet temperature drops.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number8115106
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Magnetics
    Issue number12
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Demagnetization
    • Ferrites
    • Permanent magnets
    • Brushless Machines
    • Permanent magnet machines


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