Performance Simulation and Verification of Vat Photopolymerization Based, Additively Manufactured Injection Molding Inserts with Micro-Features

Michael Mischkot, Thomas Hofstätter, Ifigeneia Michailidou, Carlos Herrán Chavarri, Andreas Lunzer, Guido Tosello, David Bue Pedersen, Hans Nørgaard Hansen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    Injection molding soft tooling inserts manufactured additively with vat photopolymerization represent a valid technology for prototyping and pilot production of polymer parts. However, a significant drawback is the low heat conductivity of photopolymers influencing cycletime and part quality. In this research, the thermal performance of a 20x20x2.7 mm3 injection molding insert was simulated. A thermal camera was used to assess the quality and accuracy of the simulation. Both, simulation and measurements showed that the temperature cycle during injection molding becomes stationary within 3 to 5 cycles. After 2800 injection molding cycles, the experiment was stopped and the insert was still intact.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIndustrializing Additive Manufacturing - Proceedings of Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications - AMPA2017
    EditorsM. Meboldt, C. Klahn
    Publication date2017
    ISBN (Electronic)978-3-319-66866-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Event2017 International Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications (AMPA 2017) - Zürich, Switzerland
    Duration: 13 Sept 201715 Sept 2017


    Conference2017 International Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications (AMPA 2017)


    • Additive manufacturing
    • Micro injection molding
    • Soft tooling
    • Simulation


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