Peptide Nucleic Acids

Ole Buchardt (Inventor), Michael Engholm (Inventor), Peter E. Nielsen (Inventor), Rolf Henrik Berg (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A novel class of compounds, known as peptide nucleic acids, bind complementary ssDNA and RNA strands more strongly than a corresponding DNA. The peptide nucleic acids generally comprise ligands such as naturally occurring DNA bases attached to a peptide backbone through a suitable linker.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS5773571
    Filing date30/06/1998
    Publication statusPublished - 1998

    Bibliographical note

    Also published as: WO9425477 (A2) WO9425477 (A3) US5539082 (A) KR100195290 (B1) JPH10501121 (A) JP3210672 (B2) JPH11310593 (A) JP3273135 (B2) EP0699208 (A1) EP1310507 (A2) EP1310507 (A3) CA2161230 (A1) AU6760494 (A) AU680253 (B2)


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