Rolle, A-M, Hasenberg, M, Thornton, CR, Maurer, A, Fischer, E, Spycher, PR, Schibli, R, Boschetti, F, Stegemann-Koniszewski, S, Bruder, D, Severin, G, Elema, DR, Autenrieth, S, Pichler, B, Gunzer, M & Wiehr, S 2015,
Pathogen specific antibody-based molecular imaging of Invasive Aspergillosis with the newly developed PET tracer [64Cu]DOTA-JF5 and its humanized variant [64Cu]NODAGA-hJF5. in
Proceedings - World Molecular Imaging Congress 2015. World Molecular Imaging Congress 2015, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States,