Partnerships in Nordic Building Industry

Jacob Norvig Larsen (Editor), Stefan Christoffer Gottlieb (Editor), Kim Haugbølle (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportBookResearchpeer-review


    The project had two main objectives. The first was to establish a Nordic network of people and organisations interested in partnerships and partnering in the building industry in order to facilitate the exchange of experiences and new ideas. This objective was met through a series of workshops in the five Nordic countries each focusing on specific aspects of partnerships and partnering agreements and similar collaborative endeavours. These themes included legal matters relating to partnering and partnerships, the role of education and training, and partner-ing as a core element in building owners' general business strategy. The project included a strong element of active knowledge dissemination as around 3-400 participants in workshops and conferences actively contributed to debates with experiences, analyses and views. The presentations of the workshops are all published at the project website The project's second objective was to produce new knowledge about the partner-ship/partnering models used by construction clients in the five Nordic countries. This objec-tive was met through an exploration into the background of the growth of partnering and part-nerships in Nordic construction, an identification of different approaches and types of partner-ships in the Nordic, and a description of their main characteristics. Moreover the national case studies in the five Nordic countries analysed different aspects of partnering and partnerships in Nordic building industry such as life cycle aspects, the functioning of specific partnering tools, knowledge management, training etc. Whereas the growth of partnering in all of the Nordic construction industries has developed from inspiration from the UK, and from other Nordic countries, it is the overall impression that partnering is interpreted, implemented and developed quite differently in the Nordic countries. There is nevertheless still a large potential in future networking among Nordic construction clients and others engaged in the develop-ment of more collaborative ways of organising construction project production.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationOslo
    PublisherNordic Innovation Centre
    Number of pages251
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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