Particle-in-a-bos model of one-dimensional excitons in conjugated polymers

T.G. Pedersen, P.M. Johansen, H.C. Pedersen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A simple two-particle model of excitons in conjugated polymers is proposed as an alternative to usual highly computationally demanding quantum chemical methods. In the two-particle model, the exciton is described as an electron-hole pair interacting via Coulomb forces and confined to the polymer backbone by rigid walls. Furthermore, by integrating out the transverse part, the two-particle equation is reduced to one-dimensional form. It is demonstrated how essentially exact solutions are obtained in the cases of short and long conjugation length, respectively. From a linear combination of these cases an approximate solution for the general case is obtained. As an application of the model the influence of a static electric field on the electron-hole overlap integral and exciton energy is considered.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPhysical Review B Condensed Matter
    Issue number15
    Pages (from-to)10504-10510
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


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