Paradox of international maritime organization's carbon intensity indicator

Shuaian Wang, Harilaos N. Psaraftis, Jingwen Qi

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The 76th session of the Marine Environment Committee (MEPC 76) of the International Maritime Organization adopted several mandatory measures in June 2021 to reduce carbon emissions from ships. One of the measures is the carbon intensity indicator (CII), which is the carbon emissions per unit transport work for each ship. Several options of CIIs are available and none of them is chosen to be applied yet. We prove that, at least in theory, requiring the attained annual CII of a ship to be less than a reference value, no matter which CII option is applied, may increase its carbon emissions. Therefore, more elaborate models, combined with real data, should be developed to analyze the effectiveness of each CII option and possibly to design a new CII.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100005
JournalCommunications in Transportation Research
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Maritime transportation
  • Carbon dioxide emission
  • International maritime organization (IMO)
  • Global regulation


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