Painting the floor with a hammer: Technical fixes in fisheries management

P. Degnbol, Henrik Gislason, S. Hanna, S. Jentoft, J. Raakjær Nielsen, S. Sverdrup-Jensen, D.C. Wilson

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Fisheries management benefits from the contribution of several academic disciplines, each with their own perspectives, concerns and solutions. In this essay we argue that the contribution of biology, economics, sociology and other relevant disciplines to fisheries would be improved if they originated from broader, more integrated analytical perspectives that are attuned to the empirical realities of fisheries management. Today, disciplinary boundaries narrow the perspectives of fisheries management, creating tunnel vision and standardized technical fixes to complex and diverse management problems. Having worked separately and together for a number of years in fisheries research and consultancy in many parts of the world we, as a group of biologists, economists and sociologists, feel that the time to rid ourselves from disciplinary dogmatism is long overdue. We claim that improvements in fisheries management will be realized not through the promotion of technical fixes but instead by embracing and responding to the complexity of the management problem.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMarine Policy
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)534-543
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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