Oxidative enzymatic gelation of sugar beet pectin for emulsion stabilization

Dayang Norulfairuz Abang Zaidel, Anne S. Meyer

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Pectin from sugar beet is derived from the sugar beet pulp residue which results when sugar beets are processed for sucrose extraction. The sugar beet pectin has poor gelationability by the classic divalentcation molecular mechanism because of a relatively high acetylation degree and short polygalacturonate backbone chain length. However, due to the feruloyl-substitutions on the side chains, the sugar beet pectic polysaccharides can be cross-linked via enzyme catalyzed oxidation. The enzyme kinetics and functionality of such oxidativelycross-linked sugar beet pectin, in relation to stabilizing emulsions has recently been investigated in model food emulsions. This paper reviews the pectin chemistry, enzymatic oxidative gelation mechanisms, interaction mechanisms of the sugar beet pectin with the emulsion droplets and explores how the gelation affects the rheology and stability of emulsion systems. The applied biotechnology concept of enzymatic gelation provides an array of opportunities for upgrading of low-value pectins for new food and non-food uses.
Original languageEnglish
JournalResearch Journal of BioTechnology
Issue number7
Pages (from-to)81-86
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Emulsion
  • Gelation
  • Horseradish peroxidase
  • Laccase
  • Sugar beet pectin


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