Orthogonal Views on Product/Service-System Design in an entire Industry Branch

Tim C. McAloone, Krestine Mougaard, Line Maria Neugebauer, Teit Anton Nielsen, Niki Bey

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Product/Service-Systems (PSS) is an emerging research area, with terms such as ‘functional sales’, ‘servicizing’ and ‘service engineering’ all contributing to the foundation and our current understanding of PSS as a phenomenon. The field is still in its formative stages and definitions, understandings and approaches to PSS are still fluid. Much of the literature in the field of PSS has, until now, focused largely on the actual transition from product to PSS and has typically resided in the field of engineering design. Symptomatic of the current literature is the concept of service as the adding-on of non-physical activities and relationships between supplier and customer. There is evidence in the literature, that multi-stakeholder approaches, customer activity understanding, actor-network charting and value chain collaboration are important factors to include in PSS strategies. However, actual case examples of these factors are sparse and limited to conceptual examples. This paper describes five orthogonal views on PSS design, fostering integrated product/service thinking across organisational boundaries, via a systematic approach to user-oriented product and service development.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design : Impacting Society through Engineering Design
    Number of pages522
    VolumeVol.4 Product and systems design
    PublisherDesign Society
    Publication date2011
    ISBN (Print)978-1-904670-24-7
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    Event18th International Conference on Engineering Design : Impacting Society Through Engineering Design - Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 15 Aug 201118 Aug 2011
    Conference number: 18


    Conference18th International Conference on Engineering Design : Impacting Society Through Engineering Design
    Internet address


    • value networks
    • product service engineering
    • Product/service-systems
    • innovation strategy
    • PSS
    • Product life
    • Case study
    • Competencies
    • Design
    • Engineering design
    • Innovation
    • Product development


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