Organisation and Control of Nanoscale Structures on Au(111)

Jingdong Zhang, Qijin Chi, Jens Enevold Thaulov Andersen, Allan Glargaard Hansen, Jens Ulrik Nielsen, Jens Ulstrup

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We address the formation and characterisation of three different nanoscale systems on single-crystal Au(lll) electrode surfaces in aqueous electrolyte solutions. The systems are investigated particularly by single-crystal electrochernistry and in situ scanning tunnelling rnicroscopy (STM). The [mt system is IDe arnino acid cystine in the adsorbed state. Af ter dissociation of its disulfide band cystine farms a highly ordered pattem controlled by adsorption via IDe liberated sulfur atoms and intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Further organisation at three different leveis by lateral interactions can be distinguished by the complementary lise of single-crystal voltammetry and in situ STM. The second target molecule is the bine single-copper protein azurin which is shown to form monolayers which retain their lang-range electron transfer function through the protein in the adsorbed state. The third system constitutes a new case for the lise of in situ STM as a tool for manufacturing nanoscale pit structures on IDe Au(lll) surface at small bias voltage. Individually and in combination these data hold perspectives for preparation of atornically planar electrochernical surfaces willi controlled functionalisation, orientation of functional biological macromolecules, nanoscale biological sensing, and controlled adsorption sites for enzymes and otter reactive molecules.
Original languageEnglish
JournalProbe Microscopy
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)151-167
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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