Organic rice production in developing countries with regard to fair trade (VB)

Charlotte Merlin, Henrik N. Mikkelsen, Lino Klit Olsen, Michael Søgaard Jørgensen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    This report deals with the possibilities of organic rice production in developing countries under fair trade conditions - conditions which assures the producer a fair price for the delivered product.It is concluded that the following points should be worked with when carrying out such a project:1. Local certification is desirable from socio-economic considerations.2. Local work up of the products is likewise desirable for socio-economis reasons.3. The establishment of grower groups can ease the two points above.4. Education of the farmers with regard to understanding the organic production method and the learning of soil improvement techniques.In connection with the choice of area it is concluded that the naturally most stable areas are also the most favourable for organic production.With regards to the ownership af the area which is chosen for organic production it is evaluated that the small family run production areas will have the most socio-economic advantages of such a project as the outcome can rise and the economic advantages will benefit the farmers directly. The economic advantages will be a result of the money saved by not having to buy inputs, the higher income from selling organic products or maybe even worked up organic products.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages64
    Publication statusPublished - 1999

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