Optimizing Manpower On-Board Ships Targeting to the Increase of the Competitiveness of the EU Fleet the Case of a Ship Oriented Automation Electronic Tool (ACOSTOS™)

Konstantinos P. Dilzas, Panagiotis Bartzis, Dimitrios V. Lyridis, Nikolaos P. Ventikos, Pantelis Anaxagorou, Harilaos N. Psaraftis

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


In general, the problem of the EU flagged ships’ competitiveness is considered to be of extreme importance for the whole marine industry. In this paper we will present a new electronic tool for the calculation of the benefits that a shipowner may have, if the ports in which his vessel operates, would implement automated loading/discharging systems in order to achieve smaller port turnaround times. The electronic tool can also calculate the benefit that a shipowner may have by implementing automated loading/discharging onboard his vessel.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2002
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes
Event10th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean - Rethymno, Greece
Duration: 13 May 200217 May 2002
Conference number: 10


Conference10th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean


  • Port operation
  • Automated systems
  • Cost benefit analysis


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