Optimal Planning for Partially Self-Sufficient Microgrid with Limited Annual Electricity Exchange with Distribution Grid

Qifang Chen, Mingchao Xia*, Yue Zhou, Hanmin Cai, Jianzhong Wu, Haibo Zhang

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    Existing research on on-grid microgrid planning is carried out with a free trading assumption and without considering the limitation of annual electricity exchange. Therefore, the existing planning and sizing scheme may be not viable for the application of partially self-sufficient microgrid (PSSMG) with a limited amount of electricity exchange. To address this issue, a new planning method for PSSMG is proposed in this paper considering the limited annual electricity exchanging amount (AEEA). The sizing model and energy management are linearized and simultaneously integrated into one model, which could be solved in polynomial time. In order to effectively reduce the number of variables of a full year horizon and to cope with the uncertainty both of DGs and loads, a data-driven method based on K-means algorithm is utilized to choose a set of typical days that are representative of historical data of one full year. Finally, the validity and effectiveness of the proposed model are verified by comparative numerical simulations, and the sensitivity of limited AEEA to the planning scheme is analyzed.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Access
    Pages (from-to)123505-123520
    Number of pages16
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


    • Microgrid
    • Optimal planning
    • Optimal sizing
    • Data-driven


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