Optimal Iterated Two-Class Separation in Hyperspectral Data

Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen, Andreas Müller

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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This paper gives an iterated extension of canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) for separation between two groups or classes in multi- or hypervariate data. We show that the iterative extension greatly enhances the separation between classes in a case with 110-band HyMap data covering part of the Sokolov mining area in the Czech Republic. Below three spectral bands of the original data (red 848 nm, green 1.781 nm and blue 681 nm) and the iterated canonical variate that based on an initial training area gives the optimal separation (in the CDA sense) between “water” and “everything else” are shown.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2015
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop (2015) - Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Duration: 14 Apr 201516 Apr 2015
Conference number: 9


Workshop9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop (2015)


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