Optimal filter design for power converters regulated by FCS-MPC in the MEA

Yuan Gao, Tao Yang, Tomislav Dragicevic, Serhiy Bozhko, Patrick Wheeler, Changming Zheng

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    For the DC electrical power distribution system onboard more electric aircraft, the voltage quality of DC bus is of a great concern since there could be significant harmonics distortions when feeding different power electronics loads. This problem can be potentially addressed by introducing a dc filter to the point-of-load converters regulated by the finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC). To optimize this filter, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is utilized for searching the optimal design which guarantees a low mass and low power losses. Different from the conventional filter design methods, the proposed method treats LC as design variables which need to be optimised while ensuring the output power quality. First, relations among variables, operation conditions and constraints are built based on commercial data and circuit simulations. Then, the design and optimization are developed with these relations and a Pareto-front is finally given by GA. After that, the best design is obtained by an index integrating two objectives. Lastly, the design approach is verified by experiment where an FCS-MPC regulated converter was used as a particular example fed by three different LC filters.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)3258 - 3268
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Filter design
    • Genetic algorithm (GA)
    • Fnite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC
    • More electric aircraft (MEA)


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