Online seminar on blockchain in the food sector

Henning Høgh Jensen (Author), Panagiota Katsikouli (Author), Magnus Harrison (Author), Anders Boserup Lauritsen (Author), Helle Nielsen-Elgaard (Author), Jesper Nørgaard Viemose (Author), Casper Høgenhaven (Author), Marianne Boelskifte (Author)

Research output: Non-textual formSound/Visual production (digital)Research

116 Downloads (Pure)
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2020
Place of PublicationKgs. Lyngby
Media of outputPower Point Presentation
Size49 sider
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventOnline Seminar on Blockchain in the Food Sector - Online, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Duration: 25 May 202025 May 2020


SeminarOnline Seminar on Blockchain in the Food Sector
CityKgs. Lyngby

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