On the stability of a variety of organic photovoltaic devices by IPCE and in situ IPCE analyses – the ISOS-3 inter-laboratory collaboration

Gerardo Teran-Escobar, David Tanenbaum, Eszter Voroshazi, Martin Hermenau, Kion Norrman, Matthew T Lloyd, Yulia Galagan, Birger Zimmermann, Markus Hösel, Henrik Friis Dam, Mikkel Jørgensen, Suren Gevorgyan, Suleyman Kudret, Wouter Maes, Laurence Lutsen, Dirk Vanderzande, Uli Würfel, Ronn Andriessen, Roland Rösch, Harald HoppeAgnès Rivaton, Gülsah Y. Uzunoglu, David Germack, Birgitta Andreasen, Morten Vesterager Madsen, Eva Bundgaard, Frederik C Krebs, Monica Lira-Cantu

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This work is part of the inter-laboratory collaboration to study the stability of seven distinct sets of state-of-the-art organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices prepared by leading research laboratories. All devices have been shipped to and degraded at RISØ-DTU up to 1830 hours in accordance with established ISOS-3 protocols under defined illumination conditions. In this work, we apply the Incident Photon-to-Electron Conversion Efficiency (IPCE) and the in situ IPCE techniques to determine the relation between solar cell performance and solar cell stability. Different ageing conditions were considered: accelerated full sun simulation, low level indoor fluorescent lighting and dark storage. The devices were also monitored under conditions of ambient and inert (N2) atmospheres, which allows for the identification of the solar cell materials more susceptible to degradation by ambient air (oxygen and moisture). The different OPVs configurations permitted the study of the intrinsic stability of the devices depending on: two different ITO-replacement alternatives, two different hole extraction layers (PEDOT:PSS and MoO3), and two different P3HT-based polymers. The response of un-encapsulated devices to ambient atmosphere offered insight into the importance of moisture in solar cell performance. Our results demonstrate that the IPCE and the in situ IPCE techniques are valuable analytical methods to understand device degradation and solar cell lifetime.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Pages (from-to)11824-11845
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Bibliographical note

This work has been supported by the Danish Strategic Research Council (2104-07-0022), EUDP (j.no. 64009-0050), and the Danish National Research Foundation. Partial financial support was also received from the European Commission as part of the Framework 7 ICT 2009 collaborative project HIFLEX (grant no. 248678), partial financial support from the EUIndian framework of the ‘‘Largecells’’ project that received funding from the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013. grant no. 261936), partial financial support was also received from the European Commission as part of the Framework 7 ICT 2009 collaborative project ROTROT (grant no. 288565) and from PVERA-NET (project acronym POLYSTAR). To CONACYT (Mexico) for the Ph.D. scholarship awarded to G. T.-E, to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,MICINN-FEDER project ENE2008-04373, to the Consolider NANOSELECT project CSD2007-00041, to the Xarxa de Referencia en Materials Avanc¸ats per a l’Energia, XaRMAE of the Catalonia Government (Spain). RR and HH are grateful for financial support from the Thuringian Ministry of Culture and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the frameworks of FIPV II and PPP (contract number 13N9843), respectively. DMT acknowledges generous support from the Inger and Jens Bruun Foundation through The American–
Scandinavian Foundation.


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