On the Emission of Electrons from Solid H_2 and D_2 by Bombardment with 1-3 keV Electrons up to Very Large Angles of Incidence

Jørgen Schou, H. Sørensen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Electron emission, i.e. electron reflection (ER) and secondary electron emission (SEE), was studied for solid H2 and D2 for oblique incidence of 1-3 keV electrons up to an angle of incidence θ of 83°. The ER coefficient η was small at low angles, and rose rapidly with increasing θ above 60-65°. Only at large angles and low energies were the results different for H2 and D2, those for H2 being the lower ones. The angular variation of the SEE coefficient δ may be written as δ(θ)=δ(0)(cos θ)3/2 up to an angle of 65-75°. For H2 the SEE coefficient is around 0.65 times that the D2 except at the largest angles. The results agree well with the existing qualitative tendencies described in the literature. The variation with the angle of incidence shows a fair agreement with an estimate based on data for the angular distribution of electrons ejected from ionized hydrogen molecules. In addition, an ionization cascade treatment leads to an expression for the behavior of the yield of those secondary electrons that are generated directly by the primaries. The agreement with experimental data is good
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Applied Physics
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)5231-5238
    Publication statusPublished - 1982


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