On quarks and the origin of QCD: Partons and baryons from intrinsic states

Ole L. Trinhammer*

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We create quarks from baryons in stead of constituting baryons from quarks. The quantum fields of QCD are generated via the exterior derivative (momentum form) of baryon wave functions on an intrinsic configuration space, the Lie group U(3). Local gauge transformations correspond to coordinate translations in the intrinsic space. A proton spin structure function and a proton magnetic moment are derived. We show how the spectrum of unflavoured baryons, the N and Delta resonances, can be understood from a mass Hamiltonian on the intrinsic space and note how our model resolves the problem of colour confinement. We calculate an approximate value for the relative neutron-to-proton mass shift and give an exact value for the neutron mass. We predict neutral charge singlets that may be interpreted as neutral pentaquarks at LHCb.

Original languageEnglish
Article number31001
Issue number3
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The author(s).


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