Observation of high permittivity in Ho substituted BaZr0.1Ti0.9O3 ceramics

Bhaskar Reddy Sudireddy, M. S. Ramachandra Rao, K. Prasad Rao

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The authors observed an extremely high permittivity (similar to 35 000 at T-C) in barium zirconate titanate (BaZr0.1Ti0.9O3) ceramics with holmium substitution (1-5 mol %) in Ba site. Careful microstructural investigation and energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis of the 1-2 mol % of Ho substituted ceramics showed the enrichment of a Ho-phase along the grain boundaries with a composition close to the Ho2Ti2O7 pyrochlore. The formation of Ho rich phase resulted in the Maxwell-Wagner polarization mechanism, which leads to this unusually high permittivity. Ceramics with 3 mol % or higher Ho content showed lesser permittivity values compared to 1-2 mol %, probably due to the increase in pyrochlore phase. These high dielectric constant ceramics are useful in nanoscale devices. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Original languageEnglish
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)-
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes


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