Numerical lower bound analysis of plate bending problems containing requirements on shear capacity and shear-bending interaction

Thomas W. Jensen, P.N. Poulsen, L.C. Hoang

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete slabs without shear reinforcement under concentrated loads are often limited by the shear capacity. In the last decades, numerical limit analysis have shown to be efficient methods to determine the load carrying capacity of slabs. However, most of the elements have only been used with yield criteria considering the moments. In this paper, an element with linear moment fields and an element with quadratic moment fields for numerical limit analysis of slabs are presented. The elements can handle limitation on both moment and shear forces. The moments are limited by Nielsen conic yield criteria combined with yield criteria for shear forces and moment-shear interaction. The elements are shown to converge from below. The moment, shear and moment-shear yield criteria are shown to work with the elements on benchmark plate examples and for plates with concentrated loads. Furthermore, the effects of limitation on shear forces on the yield mechanism are presented and a clear difference between the yield mechanism for moment and shear failure is shown.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationComputational Modelling of Concrete Structures : Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures
    PublisherTaylor & Francis
    Publication date2018
    ISBN (Electronic)9781351726764
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    EventEURO-C 2018: Conference on computational modelling of concrete and concrete structures - Bad Hofgastein, Austria
    Duration: 26 Feb 20181 Mar 2018


    ConferenceEURO-C 2018
    CityBad Hofgastein


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