New Concepts and methods for developing shop floor control systems

Hans Jørgen Lynggaard, Arne Bilberg, Leo Alting

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    An industrial research project defines models and methods for design and implementation of computer based control and monitoring systems for production cells. This is primarily documented within automated robot welding cells in the shipbuilding industry. In order to support engineering of cell control systems by the use of enablers, a generic cell control data model and an architecture has been defined. Further an engineering methodology is defined. It is concluded that cell control technology provides for increased performance in production systems, and that the cell control engineering concept reduces the effort for providing and operating high quality and high functionality cell control solutions for the industry. The plans for the next generation industrial shop floor and cell controllers are to develop new concepts based on more distributed systems, which are more robust and agile with respect to changing demands, technological advances and daily operations. The scope of these systems are a network of co-operating cells as opposed to individually operated cells which are co-ordinated in a traditionally (hierarchical planning) manner. This new approach raises new demands for the individual cell as well a its ability to cooperate
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalC I R P Annals
    Pages (from-to)377-380
    Publication statusPublished - 1998
    Event48th General Assembly of CIRP - Athens, Greece
    Duration: 23 Aug 199829 Aug 1998


    Conference48th General Assembly of CIRP

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