New aspects of whistler waves driven by an electron beam studied by a 3-D electromagnetic code

K.-I. Nishikawa, O. Buneman, Torsten Neubert

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


We have restudied electron beam driven whistler waves with a 3-D electromagnetic particle code. In the initialisation of the beam-plasma system, ''quiet start'' conditions were approached by including the poloidal magnetic field due to the current carried by beam electrons streaming along a background magnetic field. The simulation results show electromagnetic whistler wave emissions and electrostatic beam modes like those observed in the Spacelab 2 electron beam experiment. It has been suggested in the past that the spatial bunching of beam electrons associated with the beam mode may directly generate whistler waves. However, the simulation results indicate several inconsistencies with this picture: (1) the parallel (to the background magnetic field) wavelength of the whistler wave is longer than that of the beam instability, (2) the parallel phase velocity of the whistler wave is smaller than that of the beam mode, and (3) whistler waves continue to be generated even after the beam mode space charge modulation looses its coherence. The complex structure of the whistler waves in the vicinity of the beam suggest that the transverse motion (gyration) of the beam and background electrons is involved in the generation of the whistler waves.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationActive Experiments in Space Plasmas
PublisherPergamon Press
Publication date1995
ISBN (Print) 0-08-042620-4
Publication statusPublished - 1995
Externally publishedYes
EventD4.1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission D on Active Experiments in Space Plasmas, at the 30th COSPAR Scientific Assembly - Hamburg, Germany
Duration: 11 Jul 199421 Jul 1994
Conference number: 30


ConferenceD4.1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission D on Active Experiments in Space Plasmas, at the 30th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
SeriesAdvances in Space Research


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