National Cases combining promotion scheme, ownership structure and operational strategy for Denmark, France and Portugal: Work package 6

Ana Costa, Pablo Kroff, Lise-Lotte Pade (Editor), Sascha Torsten Schröder (Editor), Poul Erik Morthorst

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    The scope of the FC4Home project is to assess technical and economic aspects of the ongoing fuel cell based micro-combined heat and power demonstration projects by addressing the socio-economic and systems analyses perspectives of a large-scale promotion scheme of fuel cells. This was carried out by means of energy systems analysis and studies on central cases for each of the participating project partners.
    This document comprises results from Work Package 6 – National Cases combining support schemes, ownership structures and operational strategies of the FC4Home research project. It integrates insights from Work Package 1 – Support schemes and ownership structures – the policy context for fuel cell based micro-combined heat and power, Work Package 2 – Residential fuel cell micro CHP in Denmark, France and Portugal – potential development, ownership models and support schemes, Work Package 4 – Analyses of models for promotion schemes and ownership arrangements and Work Package 5 – Residential fuel cell micro CHP in Denmark, France and Portugal – model description, accomplished during the project.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages36
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Bibliographical note

    This document comprises results from Work Package 6 – National Cases combining support schemes, ownership structures and operational strategies of the FC4Home research project. The FC4Home Project (FC4Home – Socio-Economic and Energy Systems Analysis of Micro Combined Heat and Power (Fuel Cell Technology)) is supported by the HY-CO ERA-NET scheme (ref 001/2008) and funded by the Danish Energy Agency (Denmark), ADEME (France) and the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT, Portugal)


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