Multispecies fisheries management in the Mediterranean Sea: application of the Fcube methodology

C.D. Maravelias, D. Damalas, Clara Ulrich, S. Katsanevakis, A. Hoff

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The ecosystem approach (EA) advocates that advice should be given based on a holistic management of the entire marine ecosystem and all fisheries and fleets involved. Recent developments have advanced to multi‐species, multi‐fisheries advice, rather than on a single‐species/fleet/area stock basis, bridging the gap between existing single‐species approaches and the needs of the EA. The Fleet and Fisheries Forecast method (Fcube) method estimates potential levels of effort by fleet in mixed fisheries situations to achieve specific targets of fishing mortality. Data on effort, landings and socioeconomic parameters were used for coastal and trawl fisheries in the Aegean Sea. Results pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of alternative management strategies from both a biological and socioeconomic perspective. Fcube revealed the importance of effort control in the coastal fisheries that are still managed with no effort restrictions. The present findings, although preliminary, revealed that stringent cuts to effort and catch levels are required if EA management goals are to be met. The Fcube methodology, initially developed for mixed fisheries advice in northern European waters that are managed with TACs, also proved promising in providing advice to non‐TAC fisheries
Original languageEnglish
JournalFisheries Management and Ecology
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)189-199
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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