Multichannel Photon-Pair Generation with Strong and Uniform Spectral Correlation in a Silicon Microring Resonator

Xiaodong Shi, Kai Guo*, Jesper Bjerge Christensen, Mario A.Usuga Castaneda, Xuanming Liu, Haiyan Ou, Karsten Rottwitt

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We experimentally demonstrate a photon-pair source, based on continuous-wave pumped spontaneous four-wave mixing in a silicon microring resonator, which efficiently generates photon pairs with high coincidence counts, high brightness, and high coincidence-to-accidental ratio at multiple resonance wavelengths matching a standard International Telecommunication Union (ITU) frequency grid. The signal-idler joint spectral intensity is measured with a very high resolution of 2pm over multiple wavelengths by an optical spectrum analyzer through probe-swept stimulated four-wave mixing, allowing an accurate quantification of the spectral correlation. Strong spectral correlation and uniform degree of quantum correlation are observed from the source, and the measured amount of spectral modes agrees well with that obtained by unheralded second-order correlation measurements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number034053
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number3
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2019


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