MPC Coordinated Primary Frequency Support of Small- and Large-Scale Heat Pumps

Theis Bo Harild Rasmussen, Qiuwei Wu, Jakob Glarbo Møller, Menglin Zhang

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Heat pumps (HPs) can provide flexibility for different power system services, including frequency support. The modern power system integrates various sized HPs as part of individual or district heating systems. While the basic principles and layout are similar for differently sized HPs, differences in dynamic response characteristics entail different limitations on their participation in grid service provision. Small-scale HPs (S-HPs) have a fast response and are widely distributed, while large-scale HPs (L-HPs) are more centralized with slow dynamics. This paper propose an innovative and coordinated control scheme for primary frequency response from S-HPs and L-HPs. The method configures the control of S-HPs based on an observed homogeneous S-HP population response to control actions. Furthermore, a centralized optimization of L-HPs based on model predictive control (MPC), balances the S-HP population’s response. Analysis of simulation results evaluates and compares the proposed methodology against exiting methods that consider only S-HP units. Results show the significant improvement of the frequency nadir with the support from the heating system through the proposed method.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number9703676
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)2000-2010
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2022


    • Temperature measurement
    • Statistics
    • Sociology
    • Frequency control
    • Power systems
    • Power system dynamics
    • Estimation


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