Mood instability and activity/energy instability in patients with bipolar disorder according to day-to-day smartphone-based data – An exploratory post hoc study

Maria Faurholt-Jepsen*, Jonas Busk, Jakob Eyvind Bardram, Sharleny Stanislaus, Mads Frost, Ellen Margrethe Christensen, Maj Vinberg, Lars Vedel Kessing

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Background: Alterations and instability in mood and activity/energy has been associated with impaired functioning and risk of relapse in bipolar disorder. The present study aimed to investigate whether mood instability and activity/energy instability are associated, and whether these instability measures are associated with stress, quality of life and functioning in patients with bipolar disorder.
Methods: Data from two studies were combined for exploratory post hoc analyses. Patients with bipolar disorder provided smartphone-based evaluations of mood and activity/energy levels from day-to-day. In addition, information on functioning, perceived stress and quality of life was collected. A total of 316 patients with bipolar disorder were included.
Results: A total of 55,968 observations of patient-reported smartphone-based data collected from day-to-day were available. Regardless of the affective state, there was a statistically significant positive association between mood instability and activity/energy instability in all models (all p-values < 0.0001). There was a statistically significant association between mood and activity/energy instability with patient-reported stress and quality of life (e.g., mood instability and stress: B: 0.098, 95 % CI: 0.085; 0.11, p < 0.0001), and between mood instability and functioning (B: 0.045, 95 % CI: 0.0011; 0.0080, p = 0.010).
Limitations: Findings should be interpreted with caution since the analyses were exploratory and post hoc by nature.
Conclusion: Mood instability and activity/energy instability is suggested to play important roles in the symptomatology of bipolar disorder. This highlight that monitoring and identifying subsyndromal inter-episodic fluctuations in symptoms is clinically recommended. Future studies investigating the effect of treatment on these measures would be interesting.
Original languageEnglish
Article number83-91
JournalJournal of Affective Disorders
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Bipolar disorder
  • Mood instability
  • Activity instability
  • Digital phenotyping


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