Modular Interactive Tiles for Rehabilitation – Evidence and Effect

Henrik Hautop Lund

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch


    We developed modular interactive tiles to be used for playful physiotherapy, which is supposed to motivate patients to engage in and perform physical rehabilitation exercises. We report on evidence for elderly training. We tested the modular interactive tiles for an extensive period of time (4 years) in daily use in a hospital rehabilitation unit e.g. for cardiac patients. Also, the tiles were tested for performing physical rehabilitation of stroke patients both in hospital, rehabilitation centre and in their private home. In all test cases qualitative feedback indicate that the patients find the playful use of modular interactive tiles engaging and motivating for them to perform the rehabilitation. Also, test data suggest that some playful exercises on the tiles demand an average heart rate of 75% and 86% of the maximum heart rate.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 10. International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE
    Publication date2010
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    EventThe 10th International Conference on Applied Computer Science - Iwate, Japan
    Duration: 4 Oct 20106 Oct 2010


    ConferenceThe 10th International Conference on Applied Computer Science


    • Stroke patients
    • Rehabilitation
    • Playware
    • Cardiac patients
    • Modular technology


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