Modelling the Future?

Simone Abram, Antti Edward Silvast

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearch


The current moment is often described as a global energy crisis, as conflicting needs and desires, resources and degradations emerge. Among the professions concerned with seeking a resolution for the crisis are a cadre of engineers and mathematicians who seek to tame multidimensional uncertainties over time. By ‘building’ elaborate and integrated models of energy systems, they hope to provide a framework to help others to take decisions about the future. But ‘building a model’ and integrating diverse models is an extreme shorthand for many and diverse ways of imagining, calculating, reasoning, and defining certainties and uncertainties. What do they mean when they talk about ‘models’, how do they imagine and what kinds of future do they describe? And what kinds of decisions do they anticipate being necessary? These questions raise fundamental questions about temporality and the emergence of new technologies. This chapter discusses how a cadre of engineers and mathematicians are attempting to generate a holistic model of contemporary and future energy systems, through imaginings of current and hypothetical infrastructures.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAn Anthropology of Futures and Technologies
Number of pages17
Publication date2022
ISBN (Electronic)9781003084471
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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